The tasks and the authority of the Coordinator in the Conference
[ From “Final decisions of XXIV General Chapter” ]
The Coordinator, working in a spirit of collegiality with the Assembly, will exercise his delegated authority in the apostolic life of the Conference, in the following areas:
- International and interprovincial communities and initiatives;
- Initial and ongoing formation;
- Promotion and implementation of economic solidarity;
- Development of a social apostolate;
- Assistance to weaker Units that need help in organizing their structures;
- Promotion and facilitation of a process of fusion or federation, or other forms ofassociation, where appropriate; and
- Accompaniment during General Visitations.
The principal tasks of the Coordinator are:
- To guide the process of wider missionary discernment in the Conference;
- To chair the Conference’s review of life in a missionary perspective;
- To act as “animator” and support for new missionary initiatives in the Conference;
- To be attentive to the needs of fragile Units and to facilitate necessary decisions;
- To help the Conference find good structures for initial formation;
- To facilitate ongoing formation for confreres called to new initiatives, which may include establishing interprovincial and international communities; and
- To act as liaison with the General Council in all matters pertaining to the Conference.