Assembly of the Conference of Redemptorists of Europe
The VIIIth Assembly of the CRE was held in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal) from 22 to 24 September 2015. There were 29 participants from 15 Units of the CRE (12 Provinces, 2 Viceprovinces, 1 Region).
There were eight new Major Superiors who started their first term of office on the beginning of this year. The Assembly began its work with a presentation concerning the first six years of the restructuring process in the CRE, and considered our new structures and our way of working together. Then the participants, looking at the occurring trends in the numbers of vocations, at average ages in the various Units, at the changes taking place in the various countries, tried to reflect on the situation in the CRE 10 years from now. They spoke about the many challenges and tasks that lie ahead.
The Superior General, Fr. Michael Brehl, took part in the Assembly on 22nd September.
Much of the time was dedicated to the preparation for the First Phase of the General Chapter which will be held from 5th to 13th April 2016 in Torun (Poland).
The participants, touched by the difficult situation of migrants who are arriving in such great numbers in Europe, sent a message for all Redemptorists and Lay Collaborators in the CRE. (also on our web-page).
The first year of missionary work of the Interprovincial Community in Albania was presented and the next steps were outlined.
The participants made an evaluation of the various evangelization and formation meetings. The reflections about the new vision of initial formation in Europe were among the most important issues discussed during the Assembly. There are 123 formandee in initial formation in the CRE, but of course they are not equally present in the different Units.
Most of the vocals, who were in Portugal, participated for the final time in the Assembly, because the Units have had new elections in preparation for the General Chapter.
Fr. Jacek Zdrzałek CSsR