Closing of the Year of the Consecrated Life

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The Year of Consecrated Life concluded with the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple on 2 February 2016.

On this occasion the symposium about Religious Life on the theme “Consecrated life in communion. The common foundation in the variety of forms” took place in Rome from 28 January to 2 February. There were meetings, prayer vigils, times for reflecting and examining in greater depth the specifics of each form, looking prophetically towards the future.
Participants from all over the world, as well as consecrated persons living in Rome took part in it. Redemptorists from various countries were present.
It was the important experience of communion between various forms of Consecrated Life. Monastic Life, Ordo virginum, Apostolic Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life, Secular Institutes, and New Institutes and New Forms.

The event, entitled Consecrated Life in Communion, presided over by Archbishop Jose Rodriguez Carballo, started on January 28 with the Prayer Vigil in St. Peter’s Papal Basilica.
For two days – January 29 and February 1 – all forms of Consecrated Life came together to the Paul VI Hall for some reflections and sharing. The Pope met the participants during the audience on February 1.

The event ended on 2 February with a morning Jubilee pilgrimage and a Eucharistic celebration for the twentieth World Day of Consecrated Life, celebrated by Pope Francis.

The Year of Consecrated Life began on 30 November 2014, the First Sunday of Advent.

Jacek Zdrzalek CSsR

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