Letter from the Coordinator, No. 20 – EASTER 2015
Happy Easter!
The tomb is open, the Lord Jesus has passed through death. He is alive!
May the Lord be with us as he was with the faithful on that first Easter.
Fr. Jacek
Letter from the Coordinator, No. 20 (30.03.2015)
Dear Confreres,
Dear Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer,
Dear Partners in Mission.
Everybody knows that the pastoral challenges of our time demand from us more collaboration in the areas of our apostolic priorities. As usual our Conference invites as many as possible among us for various common apostolic, missionary and formation meetings prepared for us by the various secretariats and commissions of the CRE. There are so many proposals this year that it would be not possible to fully describe them in this letter – so you can find here only the general information. For more detailed data – please visit our web-page: www.cssr-europe.com (After the general information on this letter you can find the dates when the information was put on the website e.g. www February 18, 2015 – it means that you can find the details on the HOME PAGE (www.cssr-europe.com) – there is the calendar in the middle-right part of this page – please, choose MONTH (February) and DAY (18) and you will see all the details about the meetings.)
Proposals for the common apostolic initiatives:
The working group of the New Missionary Initiatives extends an invitation for the International Summer School of Evangelization RECAMP 2015 to Venice (Italy) (from 27th July to 2nd August). The aim of the meeting is to prepare evangelizators, who will find the new ways of evangelization in context of the modern Europe. (www December 29, 2014)
Astorga “Welcome House” will serve pilgrims on the St. James’ Way in July and August 2015. The mission of this community is to offer a space for dialogue and prayer with pilgrims who are going to Santiago. The responsible persons from Spain are waiting the volunteers from all our Units in the CRE who can dedicate at least two weeks for this kind of evangelization. The confrere responsible: Fr. Manuel Cabello (manucabello@hotmail.com).
The Interprovincial Community in Tirana (Albania) invites for a mission experience during the pastoral year or for short term summer experience. There is also the possibility of lay people connected with the Redemptorists to have a summer mission experience (www February 13, 2015). We are looking also for the next permanent member for this IC.
The International Symposium for Redemptorist Publishing Houses will be held in Hawkstone Hall, Shropshire, England 8-12 April 2015. (www December 29, 2014)
The 150th anniversary of receiving the Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is coming closer day by day (June 27, 2015 – June 27, 2016).
The meeting of the contact persons from all European Units concerning the Jubilee of OMPH will be in Warsaw (Poland), April 14-15, 2015. (The confrere responsible: Fr. Marek Kotyński kotynski62@gmail.com and www February 21, 2015.)
The Year of Consecrated Life is a good opportunity to deepen our vocation at every level of initial and ongoing formation. Accordingly we should take advantage of this celebration.
The common preparation before the Perpetual Vows for the CRE. It will take place from 14th July to 5th of August 2015 in Tuchów (Poland). (www March 4, 2015)
The course for confreres who are in the Transition to Ministry programme or who are in ministry for less than ten years. This special time for them will be from 20th July to 1st August 2015. (www March 4, 2015)
We invite all Vocation Promoters, Prefects of Postulancy and Prefects of Students, Novice Masters and other Redemptorists involved directly in initial formation for the Second Meeting of the Formators from the CRE, in Dublin (2-4 September 2015). (www February 10, 2015)
The International Symposium “Formation to the Consecrated Life in Today’s Church” for formators: the first part will be conducted by the Vatican and all places are taken. However, after this symposium, the GSF will conduct its own program for Redemptorist’s Formators, which will include a visit to the Alphonsian sites. The Redemptorist seminar will be held April 12-18, 2015. (contact: Fr. Luis Roballo, luisroballo@yahoo.com) (www December 21, 2014)
Information for Major Superiors and participants of the Assemblies of the CRE and the General Chapter. Please reserve your time for:
VIII Assembly of CRE: in Porto/Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal), September 22-24, 2015.
The first phase of the XXV General Chapter: April 4-16, 2016 (place will be determined)
The Canonical Phase of XXV General Chapter: in Pattaya (Thailand); 31 October – 25 November 2016.
More notices
The Warsaw Province and the Youth Commission of CRE have begun preparation for WYD in Kraków 26-31.07.2016 (before: for all CSSR groups: “Days in the Archdiocese of Wrocław” July 20-25, 2016; Alphonsian Day: 27th July 2016). (www February 1, 2015)
The Partnership in Mission Group is preparing the meeting for our Redemptorist Laity in Madrid in December 2015 (more on our web-page in future).
I wish you a very blessed and joyful Easter. May your life be full of Easter graces!
Fr. Jacek Zdrzałek CSsR