Letter from Coordinator 09 2012

Dear Partners in Mission
Rejoice and be glad… Christ is risen!
He who endured the cross and grave has conquered death for us to save! Alleluia!
May the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, fill you with joy this Easter season and always!
Fr. Jacek Zdrzalek CSsR
Coordinator of CRE

Dear Confreres,
Dear Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer,
Letter from the Coordinator, No 9 (2013)
With joy and hope in our hearts, we are praying for the new Pope.
The time is coming when we can start the second stage of activities in our Conference. We have already all necessary structures (Council, Assemblies, Secretariats, Commissions, Working Groups) and the documents (The Statutes of CRE, the Apostolic Priorities of CRE, approved by the General Government). During this second stage we wish to learn how to cooperate more effectively together for our common mission at diverse levels. It is not easy to adjust to the different cultures, peoples, ecclesiologies, pastoral models and living conditions in which we are living in Europe. We are diverse and this is our reality in Europe. We wish to learn how to collaborate in a more effective way in Europe and how to be men who are adaptable, open, flexible and able to have an inner freedom. In this letter you can find the invitations for some of our proposals.
At the same time we are also working on the third stage in our CRE, during which we want to establish interprovincial communities, common Houses of Formation (at some levels), and interprovincial mission teams. I am asking you for prayers for our missionary discernment and decision-making process.
Jan Matejko “Resurrection”

The Pilgrim House was open in Astorga (Spain). It will serve for all pilgrims who are going on St. James’ Way to Santiago de Compostela. The international community will be in place as a new evangelization project for Europe each year (during July and August). The community will be composed of Redemptorists and our Lay Collaborators from various Units. That community will
help pilgrims to experience our Redemptorist spirituality and will give them regular pastoral care. It will also be a great opportunity for the member of this international community to learn how to work together. More information can be found at: www.redentoristas.org or from the confrere responsible for this project, Fr. Laureano Del Otero: laureanodel@gmail.com

The first workshop for all Redemptorist formators from our Conference will be held in Cracow (Poland) from 12th to 16th July 2013. During the workshop time will be spent sharing the reality of each Unit with regard to formation. In addition, there will be input on a new vision for our common missionary endeavor in Europe, which includes elements of formation. We also intended to offer various methods of support for formators, and to see if we can create a network of assistance for those involved at each level of formation. (For further information contact the President of the Secretariat of Formation: Fr. Jacek Zdrzalek, jacekwsd@wp.pl).
Furthermore there will be the first common preparation for Final Vows for our Redemptorist formandees for the whole Conference in Tuchow (Poland) from 14th July to 5th August 2013 followed by the retreat which will be made in the Mother Units of the participants.
The 10th European Redemptorist Youth Meeting will be held from 7th to 12th August 2013 in San Sperate (Italy) (information at: www.redemptoristmeeting2013.eu). The catechesis by means of which the participants should prepare for this meeting is already taking place. It will be an opportunity to meet the representatives of youth from almost all Redemptorists Units in our Conference. The youth from Sardinia are working hard on all logistic issues and offer a warm invitation to all.
The First Evangelization Camp in CRE. The Redemptorists and our Lay Missionaries will have an opportunity to prepare a common missionary project for Europe. This camp will last two weeks. During the first week the participants will learn and work together and during the second week they will carry out missions in various parishes in some city. This camp is planned for every year in a different city in Europe. The first one will be held in Krakow (Poland) in 2014 (summer time) (the confreres responsible for “New Mission Initiatives” is: Fr. Pawel‚ Drobot: dpaolo@wp.pl)
The Social Ministry Group is planning A Congress about Migration in 2014 (after Easter). The main goal is to raise awareness among all Redemptorists in Europe about this issue which is also one of the priorities of our Conference. There will be the possibility of sharing our experiences and of finding ways of collaboration for the future. The first project is ready but please sendallsuggestionstotheconfrereresponsible:Fr.WinfriedPauly, w.pauly@redemptoristen.de
The celebration of the Year of Faith has caused a change in the dates of the beatification of six Redemptorist Martyrs from Cuenca (Spain). The celebration will now be on 13th October 2013 in Tarragona (Spain). The dates for the Sixth Assembly of CRE will be the same as agreed before – from 28th to 30th October 2013 in Madrid. For participants in the Assembly, a Mass of thanksgiving for the beatifications will be held in Madrid on 28th October (afternoon).
The Fifth Meeting of Young Redemptorists from the French speaking areas was held 5- 6 March 2013 in Lyon (France). The participants have finished the final version of the Project of Community Life and Project of Apostolic Life. Proposals for the new presence of Redemptorists in this entity have been prepared.
This is all I wanted to share with you at present.
Once again: Happy Easter and many blessings for the whole of Pascaltide!

The meeting for all Brothers from the CRE will be held in Vienna (Austria) from 9th to 13th September 2013. This will be an opportunity for the Brothers and other interested confreres to share our spiritual experiences in the Year of Faith (For more information contact the President of the Secretariat for Brothers: Fr. Edmund Hipp, hipp@redmuc.de).
Fr. Jacek

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